
学龄前儿童牙面色素沉着形成原因及与龋病关系的研究 被引量:8

The research on the pathogeny of black tooth stain and the association between black tooth stain and primary dentition caries in preschool children
摘要 目的了解学龄前儿童牙面色素沉着形成的原因及其形成与乳牙龋病的关系。方法于2012年5—6月随机选取青岛市市南区3所公立幼儿园的434名3—6岁乳牙列儿童,由2名医生按WHO推荐的龋齿检查方法,对其进行龋齿及牙面色素检查,并对儿童家长进行关于儿童饮食结构及习惯、口腔卫生、刷牙习惯、用药史等方面的调查,调查结果采用SPSS15.0统计软件进行分析。结果学龄前儿童牙面色素沉着发生率为14.75%,男、女性儿童差异无统计学意义(13.95%VS15.53%,Х^2=0.21,P〉0.05);有色素儿童患龋率为43.75%,无色素儿童患龋率为62.7%,二者比较差异有统计学意义(Х^2=8.16,P〈0.05);色素的发生与进食含色素的食物或饮料的频率、进食海产品的频率以及使用抗生素的频率有关。结论学龄前儿童牙面色素沉着形成原因复杂,并且其形成与龋病发生呈负相关。 Objective To know the pathogeny of the black stain on primary teeth in preschool children and to assess a possible association between black stain and caries. Methods This cross-sectional study was carried out in three public kindergartens in Qingdao Shinan-Zone, China. The study consisted of 434 children aged 3 to 6. Caries statuses and the black stain on teeth were assessed by two calibrated dentists using WHO criteria. The questionnaires were done by parents, which included the time of children's brushing, the frequency of brushing and eating seafood, the use of antibiotics and so on. Data were analyzed using SPSS15.0 statistics software. Results The prevalence of black stain was 14.75% among these 434 children. There was no significant difference between male and female children. The caries prevalence of children with black stain was 43.5%, significantly lower than the children without black stain (62.7%, P 〈 0.001 ). There was an association between black stain and the frequency of having food containing pigment or the seafood and the use of antibiotics. Conclusions The cause of black stain on primary teeth in Chinese preschool children is complex. There is a negative relation between black stain and caries.
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2013年第9期540-543,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
基金 青岛市卫生局指导项目(2012-WSZD124)
关键词 色素 龋病 乳牙 原因 black stain dental caries primary teeth cause
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