
中国西部绿色发展概念框架 被引量:79

Conceptual Framework of Green Development in Western China
摘要 综合绿色发展的国际经验,以自然资本、经济资本、社会资本与人力资本四大资本为核心,提出了中国西部地区绿色发展概念框架。中国西部地区绿色发展概念框架是以"发展中促转变,转变中谋发展"的良性循环发展原则为指导原则,分析西部地区社会经济发展及生态环境和自然资源保护两个方面在发展过程中相互促进和制约的关系,并根据西部地区当前经济资本、环境资本、社会资本以及人力资本数量,通过政府适当干预,如区域规划、区内调整,最终实现社会经济与生态环境和自然资源相协调的绿色发展。该框架综合考虑了中国西部在绿色发展道路上特有挑战与机遇,阐明了社会经济发展与资源环境承载力之间的相互作用机制,明确了中国西部地区"生态友好、社会包容和内生增长"的绿色发展目标。最后,本文针对该绿色发展框架提出了中国西部地区绿色发展的政策建议:提出"西部地区绿色发展战略"是当前西部地区绿色发展进程中最为迫切的需求,中央政府应当尽快制定和实施"西部地区绿色发展战略",同时西部地区政府在省级和地方层面将保护中国西部生态环境与区域扶贫开发相结合,加大对以提升西部地区人力资本为目的的各类工程的投入,强化区域绿色基础建设和生态服务供给,缓解西部地区贫困,提升区域绿色发展进程的速度和质量;开展财政体制机制改革,以提高各级财政资金的使用效率;结合各省发展需求与条件实施以生态城市为发展目标的可持续城镇化发展模式,制定差异化的城镇化发展战略;在西部地区重点和限制开发区尤其是贫困集中和区域发展潜力较大地区,鼓励具有区域特色的新型绿色产业的发展。在发展过程中不断加强制度创新以引导长期绿色发展。 A conceptual framework of green development for western China was established with the natural capital,economic capital,social capital and human capital as the core on the basis of investigating the international experiences.This framework takes the benign development of ‘ spurring change in the course of pursuing development,and promoting development while working for change' as the guiding principle,and takes into account the interaction between the socio-economic development and protection of ecological environment and natural resources.This framework aims to realize the green development that coordinates the socio-economic development with the protection of ecological environment and natural resources by implementing proper governmental intervention such as the regional planning and internal adjustment based on the current amounts of economic capital,environmental capital,social capital and human capital in western China.Besides,this framework takes in to account the challenges and chances of green development in western China,analyzes the interaction between the socioeconomic development and the carrying capacity of the resources and environment,and clearly puts forward the green development objectives of ‘ Eco-friendly,Socially Inclusive,Indigenous Capacity'.Finally,some policy recommendations on the green development for western China were given on the basis of this conceptual framework of green development.The central government should formulate and implement ‘ Green Development Strategy of Western China' ; besides,the local governments in western China should combine the ecological environment protect and the regional poverty alleviation and development,increase the investment into the projects that aim to improve the human resources in western China and alleviate the regional poverty so as to improve the speed and quality of the regional green development.In addition,it is necessary to carry out fiscal reforms to improve the use efficiency of financial fund at all levels.Different urbanization strategies should be formulated so as to implement the sustainable urbanization modes aiming at the ecological city according to the specific conditions of the provinces in western China.Finally,the institutional innovation should be enhanced continually during the development process so as to guide the long-term green development.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期1-7,共7页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会"中国西部环境与发展战略及政策研究"课题
关键词 绿色发展 概念框架 自然资本 人力资本 内生增长 西部地区 green development conceptual framework natural capital human capital endogenous growth western China
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