
基于Hadoop云测试体系架构的设计 被引量:4

Software testing architecture design based on Hadoop cloud computing platform
摘要 因云计算具有高可靠性、按需访问的特点,应用于软件测试过程中解决了其性能低、部署不便、代价高的问题。针对云测试体系架构在"软件即服务"层研究较少的问题,基于Hadoop云计算平台,采用测试即服务的服务模式和分层架构的思想,设计了云测试体系架构,并对负载均衡算法和小文件存储策略进行改进设计。以一个示例系统为例,搭建实验环境进行对比压力测试,实验结果表明,该体系架构在多用户并发时负载能力和页面响应时间相比有较好的改进。 Cloud computing can play an important role in software testing technology because of its high reliability and the benefits from on-demand access service pattern.It can also provide a new solution for hard to deploy problems in software testing with high efficiency and low cost.A novel idea called "testing as service" is proposed,which adopts the idea of "software as service" and extend its advantage into testing.The testing of service is a layered software testing architecture based on the Hadoop cloud computing platform.A competitive experiment is conducted to evaluate the load efficiency.The results demonstrate its fast response time and good performance in distributing the workloads when receiving requests from multiple users.
出处 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期72-78,共7页 Computer Engineering & Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61272468)
关键词 云计算 云测试 测试即服务 体系架构 负载均衡 cloud computing cloud testing testing as a service architecture load balance
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