
云计算架构在银行批处理流程优化中的应用研究 被引量:5

Research of Bank Batch Processing Optimization Based on Cloud Computing
摘要 银行业在实现业务和数据集中处理的信息化架构后,随着业务的发展,面对数量越来越多、规模越来越大的批处理需求,如何提高计算资源的使用效率和灵活配置资源是银行信息中心不断面对的挑战。以资源和应用虚拟化为核心的云计算架构和技术正在不断发展和成熟,它可以有效地提高信息中心的资源使用,为批处理业务动态配置有效资源。针对以批处理中按照业务类型和处理流程进行资源配置的传统方法,提出了一种将业务流程进行优化分解成为可以进行独立并行处理任务的方法,可以在云计算环境下分组处理具有共同特征的计算和操作任务,实现优化资源调配。通过Hadoop MapReduce并行计算架构进行模拟验证,初步实验结果表明了该方法在批处理执行效率、资源使用和灵活性方面的优势,在大量批处理业务领域(金融、证券、电子商务)具有一定的应用和研究价值。 Banks has put their business and data processing into centralized IT centers. Fast business developments require IT centers to handle increasing amounts and volumes of batch processing. Tthe new challenges are how to make full use of available IT resources and have flexible configurations. Cloud Computing is changing the manner how information system architecture is to be redesigned to meet higher service level and IT cost constraint. The core feature of IT resources and application virtualization of cloud computing technology might increase IT center performance and optimize resource alloca- tions for batch transactions in banking e-commerce and other intense information processing companies. A batch process- ing optimization method is presented, which consists in creating a dynamic model by dividing process into parallel and inde- pendent tasks to whom are allocated adequate computing resources. An evaluation computing environment base on Hadoop MapReduce is set up to simulate the performance of the proposed model, the experimental results show some inspiring ad- vantages which deserve further re^onr^-k ~nd 11~.1 l-
作者 赵曦
出处 《软件导刊》 2013年第10期1-4,共4页 Software Guide
关键词 银行业务 批处理流程 HADOOP MAPREDUCE 云计算 Bank Business Batch Processing Hadoop MapReduce Cloud Computing
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