

DDoS Detection Based on Traffic Self-similarity
摘要 近年来,人们的日常生活与互联网越来越密不可分,网络安全问题也呈现高发态势。作为一种严重的网络威胁,分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击越发为人们所关注。通过对流量的自相似检测,可以实现对DDoS进行有效判定,然而传统算法的固定式判据难以体现现实流量的变化,文章提出一种改进型算法,可实现对DDoS的动态检测。 As a serious threat, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is becoming one of the biggest concerns. The approach based on self-similarity is effective in detecting DDoS. But the original approach doesn't respond to the change of network. Therefore, this paper proposes an improved method which works on real time detection. And experiments show that this method is more effective.
作者 郑明明 梁鸿
出处 《常州工学院学报》 2013年第3期51-54,共4页 Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology
关键词 分布式拒绝服务 流量自相似 动态检测 DDoS traffic self-similarity dynamic detection
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