
皮肤屏障关键结构与特应性皮炎的相关性 被引量:17

Critical component of epidermal barrier and its relation to atopic dermatitis
摘要 特应性皮炎是一种皮肤慢性炎症性疾病,其发病机制尚不清楚,与遗传、免疫等因素相关。近年的研究发现皮肤屏障结构和功能的异常可能是特应性皮炎发病的首要机制。皮肤屏障中的关键结构和成分如角化包膜、中间丝聚合蛋白、蛋白酶及其抑制剂、脂质等的形成障碍或代谢失调,使表皮屏障功能受损,增加特应性皮炎发病的风险。编码FLG相关基因的无效突变目前被认为是特应性皮炎发病的主要因素,而角化包膜的缺陷、蛋白酶活性的增加及脂质层合成的减少加重了皮肤屏障的损害。同时临床研究表明,对皮肤屏障的修复可以降低特应性皮炎的发病率及复发率。 Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin diease, the pathogenesis of AD have not been entirely elucidated. It may be associated with genetic factors, immunologic factors and so on. Recent years, epidermal barrier defects have been considered the main pathogenesis of AD, changes in the key structures of epidermal barrier like comified envelope, filaggrin, proteases and protease inhibitors , lipid predispose to a defective epidermal barrier and increase the risk of developing AD. Loss - of - function mutations found within the FLG gene represent the most significant genetic factor predisposing to AD identified to date. Defected cornified envelope, enhanced protease activity and decreased synthesis of the lipid lamellae lead to exacerbated breakdown of the epidermal barrier. And many clinic studies indicate that the waintenance of eoidemal barrier can reduce the morbidity and the recurrence rate of AD.
出处 《激光杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期118-119,122,共3页 Laser Journal
基金 重庆市自然科学基金(基金编号:CSTC2012JJA0085)
关键词 皮肤屏障 角化包膜 中间丝聚合蛋白 特应性皮炎 Epidermal barrier comified envelope filaggrin atopic dermatitis
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