
基于动态权值优先级队列的移动消息推送策略 被引量:4

Mobile messaging push policy based on dynamic weights priority queue
摘要 针对传统的加权循环队列调度在移动消息推送平台中会增加系统开销、延长消息发送时间等问题,提出一种基于动态权值的加权循环调度策略。该策略在原有加权循环调度算法基础上,采用了动态权值策略,使得推送系统不再需要对消息的发送情况作额外的记录,有效降低了系统开销。对提出的算法进行了模拟实验,实验结果表明,改进的策略减少了消息发送的整体时延,提高了移动推送平台的消息发送效率。 To solve the problem that traditional weighted round robin scheduling on the push platform increases the system overhead and extends the time that message send,a Weighted Round Robin policy based on dynamic weights is presented.Based on the original weighted round robin scheduling algorithm,this policy uses the dynamic weight policy,and prevents push system from recording the situation of message sending unnecessarily.It reduces system overhead effectively.Simulation results show that the improved policy reduces the overall delay of message transmission,and improves the efficiency of message transmission on the mobile push platform.
作者 蒋溢 聂路雨
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期3520-3524,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 移动终端 推送平台 优先级队列 动态权值 调度算法 mobile terminal push platform priority queue dynamic weights schedule algorithm
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