
Dbait基因联合放疗对A549细胞杀伤的实验研究 被引量:1

The experimental study of Dbait gene combined with radiotherapy on A549 cells
摘要 目的:研究放疗联合Dbait基因对肿瘤A549细胞的杀伤作用。方法:培养好的A549细胞随机分为pcDNA3.1组和pcDNA3.1-Dbait组。将荷载相应基因的质粒通过Lipofectamine 2000转染A549细胞予以6MV-X线、剂量率300cGy/min,照射剂量6Gy。12小时后流式细胞仪检测肿瘤细胞凋亡率。结果:在非照射时两组间细胞凋亡率F=1.01,P=0.864;6Gy照射时两组间细胞凋亡率F=13.33,P=0.006,差异有统计学意义。结论:Dbait基因干扰DNA双链断裂的修复,联合放疗促进肿瘤细胞的凋亡。 Objective: To study the effect of Dbait gene combined with radiotherapy on A549 cells. Methods :The cultivated 3.549 cells were randomly divided into group pcDNA3.1 and pcDNA3.1 - Dbait. Corresponding plasmid transfected intod A549 ceils by Lipofectamine 2000. Medical hnear accelerator irradiated A549 cells,6MV -X, dose rate 300cGy/min, dose 6Gy. To detect apoptosis of tumor by flow cytometry after 12 hours. Results:When no -irradi- ation between the two groups apoptosis rate F = 1.01, P = 0. 864.6Gy irradiation between the two groups apoptosis rate F = 13.33, P = 0. 006. The difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: Dbait gene disrupt DNA double - strand break repair,combine with radiotherapy promote apoptosis of tumor cells.
出处 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2013年第10期2205-2206,共2页 Journal of Modern Oncology
关键词 Dbait基因 放疗 A549细胞 Dbait gene radiotherapy A549 cells
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