A total of 208 herbivorous animals belonging to 7 species and 3 groups of mammals (Lagomopha, Rodentia and Ruminantia) were examined by autopsy and 8 species of cestodes belonging to 5 genera of Anoplocephalidae were found in northwest highland area of Sichuan Province.
Four species of anoplocephalid ceslodes, Paranoplocephala ryjikovi, P. transversaria, Aprostatandrya macrocephala and Diuterinotaenia daofuensis sp. n. are reported from marmots, Marmota himalayana; vole, Eothenomys melanogaster and pikas, Ochotona curzoniae, respectively, in this paper. Diuterinotaenia daofuensis sp, n. is distinguished from other species in the same genus by the arrangement of testes and the position of uteri.
Diuterinotaenia daofuensis sp. n.
Two complete, fully developed strobilae were obtained from Ochotona curzoniae, collected in Daofu Coumty.
Specific diagnosis: (in mm) Strobilae craspedotc, 189 and 348 long, 3.95 in maximum breadth, with 219 and 489 proglottids respectively. Immature segments 0.010 to 0.517 by 0.383 to 1.382, length/width ratio about 1/4.2. Mature segments 0.524 to 1.346 by 1.222 to 1.760, ratio about 1/1.7. Gravid segments 0.771 to 1.764 by 2.081 to 3.950, ratio about 1/2.4. Seolex small, 0.243 to 0.270 by 0.362 to 0.380 in size. Neek 0.312 long. Genital pores paired, situated in middle to somewhat posterior of margins of proglottids. Genital apparatus paired. Testes 46 to 64 (aver. 55) per segment, distributed in posterior portion of middle field of the segment, occupying almost the entire area between both female genital glands and that posterior to them. Cirrus pouch spindle shaped, overlaping dorsally to the excretory canals, measuring 0.133 to 0.326 by 0.023 to 0.051 in size. External seminal vesicle situated dorsally to the ventral excretory canal, 0.030 to 0.034 in width. Internal seminal vesicle 0.057 to 0.095 by 0.019 to 0.030 in size, occupying over 1/2 space of cirrus pouch. Ovary paired, bilobed and fan-shaped, measuring 0.334 to 0.532 by 0.157 to 0.275 in size, lying in the lateral portions of the central field in each segment. Vitelline gland 0.152 to 0.256 by 0.091 to 0.137 in diamension. Seminal receptacle fully developed, as a long bladder with thin wall, 0.133 to 0.265 by 0.057 to 0.080 in size. Double uteri curved, lying as longitudinal tubules. Upon the egg's entrance, they from multi-branched diverticula, gradually expanding as lobed-sacs. In gravid segments both uteri are contiguous with their anterior margins and interlocking each other. Egg spherical or oval, 0.047 to 0.049 by 0.042 to 0.049(aver. 0.049 by 0.045).
Cestode, Anoplocephalidae, Aprostatandrya, Diuterinotaenia daofuensis, Northwest plateau of Sichuan