本文根据外部形态、头骨特征及地理分布,对猕猴(Macaca mulatta)在中国的亚种分类进行了重新整理。结果表明M.m.mulatta、M.m.brevicaudus,M.m.lasiotis、M.m.littoralis和M.m.vestita均为有效亚种,M.m.tcheliensis可能也是一有效亚种。
This paper reports the taxonomic revision and distribution of subspecies of rhesus monkey (M. mulatta) in China, based on the comparison of external arid cranial characters, The rhesus monkey in China could be divided into six subspecies: M. m. mulatta, M. m. brevicaudus, M. m. littoralis, M. m. lasiotis, and M. m. vestita are valid subspecies, M. m. tcheliensis is probably a valid subspecies, too.
The distribution is that (Fig. 1): M. m. mulatta in the west, middle, south of Yunnan and southwcst of Guangxi. M. m. brevicaudus in the Hainn Island and Wanshan Islands in Guangdong, and the islands near Hong Kong. M. m. littoralis in Fujian, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou, northwest of Gnangdong, north of Guangxi, northeast of Yunnan, east ofsichuan and south of Shaanxi. M. m. lasiotis in the west of Sichuan, northwest of Yunnan, southeast of Qinghai (Banma) M. m. uestita in the southeast of Thibet, northwest of Yunnan (Deqing), and perhaps including Yushu (Qinghai), M. m. tcheliensis in north of Henan, south of Shanxi and near Beijing.
Macaca mulatta, Taxonomic revision, Distribution, China