
利多卡因气雾剂在小儿包皮环切术中的应用 被引量:4

Application of Lidocaine Aerosol in the circumcision of children
摘要 目的 探讨利多卡因气雾剂在小儿包皮环切手术中的应用效果.方法 选择择期小儿包皮环切手术患儿120例,随机分研究组和对照组,每组各60例,研究组采用7%利多卡因气雾剂局部喷雾+1%利多卡因局麻,对照组采用1%利多卡因局麻.比较两组患儿最快心率(HR)、最低血氧饱和度(SpO2)、改良目的疼痛评分法(MOPS)及视觉模拟评分法(VAS)、改全麻情况.结果 研究组患儿最快HR为(99±6.3)次/min,最低SpO2为(98.4±1.31)%,MOPS评分为(2.3±0.39)分,VAS评分为(14.5±4.20)分,对照组分别为(104±7.7)次/min,(97.2±1.85)%,(3.7±0.57)分,(29.0±5.22)分,两组比较差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为-6.69,5.58,-4.29,-4.68;P <0.05).研究组改全麻2例,对照组8例,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 7%利多卡因气雾剂联合1%利多卡因局部麻醉用于小儿包皮环切术,患儿疼痛感轻,应激反应轻,易被患儿及其亲属接受. Objective To investigate and analyze the effect of Lidocaine Aerosol used in pediatric circumcision.Methods One hundred and twenty cases undergoing selective operation were selected and randomly divided into experimental group and control group with 60 cases in each group.7% Lidocaine Aerosol local spray and 1% lidocaine local anesthesia were applied in the experimental group,and 1% lidocaine local anesthesia only in the control group.And to observe and compare the following contents in the two groups:the fastest heart rate (HR),the lowest oxygen saturation (SpO2),Modified Objective Pain Score (MOPS),visual analogue scale (VAS) and the situation of whether using general anesthesia instead.Results In the experimental group,the fastest HR was (99 ±6.3) beats/min,the lowest SpO2 was (98.4 ± 1.31)%,MOPS score was (2.3 ± 0.39),VAS score was (14.5 ± 4.20),and the control group were of (104 ± 7.7) beats/min,(97.2 ± 1.85) %,(3.7 ± 0.57),(29.0 ± 5.22),respectively,and these differences were statistically significant between the two groups (t =-6.69,5.58,-4.29,-4.68,respectively; P < 0.05).There were two cases who were given general anesthesia in the experimental group,and eight cases in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05).Conclusions The combination of 7% Lidocaine Aerosol and 1% lidocaine local anesthesia in the circumcision of children can relieve their pain and stress reaction,which is easily accepted by children patients and their families.
出处 《中华现代护理杂志》 2013年第26期3280-3282,共3页 Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing
关键词 利多卡因 包皮环切术 男性 疼痛 Lidocaine Circumcision, male Pain
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