
中国制造业掠影二 迁徙的工厂

Manufacturing Outside China?
摘要 资金缺乏、成本上升、利润下降,重重压力之下,中国制造业面艰难取舍。一方面是欧美发达国家纷纷推出“再工业化”, General Electri cenhanced manufacturing capacities of home heaters and refrigerators at its facility in Kentucky, named Appliance Park, last year, as the company could get big wage concessions from local workers and the advantages of being closer to the American markets. Writing in the Harvard Business Review, GE's CEO Jeffrey Immelt said: "Outsourcing based only on labor costs isyesterday's model."S o m e o f t h e U. S.investments in overseas markets are going back,partly encouraged by the U.S. government's reindustrialization strategy,which aims to appeal more manufacturing back to the country. Over the past few decades, the U.S.manufacturing has lost ground to the services industry.The number of jobs in U.S.manufacturing has fallen fromnearly 20 million in 1979 to about 12 million today. But the recent global recession implicated that services can propel the economy only so far. It is irreplaceable to make tangible, useful products in developing a country's economy and offering job opportunities. Following America, some European countries also launched"reindustrialization"schemes.These schemes havea negative influence on the Chinese manufacturing. As labor costs in China kept soaring, a few manufacturers began to move production to their western home or just move to the other developing countries. These might change the competitive pattern of Chinese manufacturing industry. The Chinese local manufacturers might be forced to improve their technical competence,though it will be uneasy.
出处 《中国海关》 2013年第10期16-29,15,共14页
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