
护听器技术参数及其舒适性主观评价双极量表 被引量:1

Technical Parameters and Comfort Evaluation of Hearing Protectors
摘要 对于不同的环境噪声岗位,环境噪声的声级可能相同,但是其能量分布的频率范围不同。作业人员佩戴同一个护听器,隔声效果有较大差异。针对不同的环境噪声筛选护听器,把环境噪声频率特性和护听器隔声特性二者结合,提出基于环境噪声特性的隔声指标。为提高与改善护听器舒适性提供技术途径,保持噪声岗位作业人员的听力和作业能力,研究与探讨护听器舒适性主观评价双极量表。 For different environment noise posts, the sound intensities of the environment noises can be equal, but their frequency ranges of energy distribution are different. Although the workers wear the same hearing protectors, their sound insulation effects may be quite different. In this paper, suitable bearing protectors were selected according to different environment noises. Combining noise frequency characteristics of the environment and the sound insulation characteristics of the hearing protectors, the sound insulation index was proposed according to the characteristics of the environment noise. Finally, the hearing protector comfort and the subjective evaluation bipolar scale were discussed.
作者 李中付
机构地区 海军医学研究所
出处 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 2013年第5期193-198,共6页 Noise and Vibration Control
关键词 声学 护听器 隔声指标 舒适性评价 主观双极量表 acoustics hearing protectors noise reduction rating comfort evaluation subjective bipolar scale
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