针对氧化铝生产高压溶出、蒸发器、高压蒸汽、冷凝水的特点 ,以及国产和引进的手动、气动控制阀存在的不足 ,我们研制了补偿式疏水器1) ,保证了上述生产系统的正常运行 ,取得了良好的效果。本文将从工作原理、机械设计 。
In accordance with the characteristics of high pressure digestion,evaporator,high pressure steam and condensate in alumina production,as well as the deficiency in hand or pheumatics control valves made in China or France,we have developed the compensated model water trap During test run in high pressure digestion,evaporator for one year and more,the good results are achieved This paper will discuss its work principle,mechanical design,use effect and spread prospect
Shaanxi Machinery