
无差异性偏好选择困境消解的分布式偏好路径 被引量:1

Resolving Choice Dilemma of Undifferentiated Preference: From the Way of Distributed Preference
摘要 在经济逻辑的选择理论中,传递性是行动主体偏好的一个十分重要的性质,对其使用不当会影响选择,进而可能导致选择困境,无差异性偏好选择困境便是一个典型的例子。在分布式偏好架构下,区分出了不同于显示性偏好的分布式偏好,给出了不同于传统选择理论的传递性定义,使无差异性偏好选择困境得以合理地阐释与消解,为进一步理解如秃头悖论等问题提供了思想方法。 In choice theory of economic logic, transitivity, as an important property of preference, may result in choice dilemma if it is inappropriately used. Choice dilemma of undifferentiated preference is a classical case. Under the frame of distributed preference, distributed preference is distinguished from expressed preference, and the definition of transitivity different from traditional choice theory is made. Therefore, choice dilemma of undifferentiated preference is rationally explained and resolved, which provides a way of thinking for further understanding of bald paradox.
作者 王志远
出处 《天津商业大学学报》 2013年第5期53-57,共5页 Journal of Tianjin University of Commerce
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(11CZX028) 广西民族师范学院引进人才资助项目(XYYJ2010002)
关键词 无差异性偏好选择 选择困境 分布式偏好 行动逻辑 决策逻辑 choice of undifferentiated preference choice dilemma distributed preference logic of action logic of decision
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