
薄壁金属管吸能器的吸能特性分析 被引量:4

Analysis on energy absorption characteristics of thin-walled metal tube
摘要 通过对薄壁金属管吸能特性的数值模拟总结出关于薄壁金属的吸能特性,利用吸能器的吸能能力、平均压溃载荷和理想吸能效率等3个吸能评价指标,对薄壁金属管的吸能特性进行综合评估;在此基础上,提出针对薄壁金属管吸能器的优化方案.通过对比分析可知,优化后的方案可以大大提高吸能器的理想吸能效率,减小缓冲力在工作过程中的波动. The thin walled metal energy absorption characteristics are summarized by the numerical simulation on the energy absorption characteristics of thin walled metal tube. The indices such as energy absorption ability, mean crushing load, and ideal energy absorption efficiency are used to comprehensively evaluate the energy absorption characteristics of thin walled metal tube. An optimization scheme is proposed for the thin walled metal tube energy absorber. The results of comparison and analysis indicate that the optimization scheme can greatly improve the ideal energy absorption efficiency of the energy absorber and reduce the buffering force fluctuation in the work process.
出处 《计算机辅助工程》 2013年第A02期1-5,共5页 Computer Aided Engineering
关键词 薄壁金属管 吸能器 吸能特性 数值模拟 thin walled metal tube energy absorber energy absorption characteristics numerical simulation
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