概述多学科优化设计(Multidisciplinary Design Optimization,MDO)在复杂产品设计中的必要性,阐述CSSO算法的基本内容,以齿轮减速器为例,利用Isight搭建CSSO计算框架并对每一步进行分析和说明.将CSSO计算结果与传统优化结果进行对比,结果表明CSSO算法比传统算法的计算效率高、准确性好.
The necessary of application of Multidisciplinary Design Optimization(MDO) in complex product design is briefed. The basic content of the CSSO algorithm is described. Taking a gear reducer as an example, Isight is used to build CSSO computation framework and each step is analyzed and introduced. The comparison of the results of CSSO and the traditional optimization algorithms shows that the CSSO algorithm is more accuracy and more efficiency than the traditional algorithm.
Computer Aided Engineering