
依恋类型在重要他人影响目标追求过程中的调节作用 被引量:8

The Influences of Significant Others on Goal Pursuit:The Moderating Role of Attachment Styles
摘要 以目标自动激活模型为理论框架,通过现场实验和问卷法相结合方法,以54名被试来验证了重要他人启动对目标承诺的影响之后,再以195名被试进一步考察依恋类型在重要他人影响目标追求过程中的调节作用,2(有学业重要他人启动、无学业重要他人启动)×4(安全型依恋、冷漠型依恋、迷恋型依恋、恐惧型依恋)的两因素被试间方差分析结果发现,依恋类型与重要他人之间存在显著的交互作用。表明重要他人能显著地影响个体的目标追求,而且依恋类型显著地调节了重要他人对目标追求的影响。 A growing body of research suggests that goals may often be initiated and pursued automatically, and such automatic strivings may have significant implications for social evaluations, social behavior, and subjective experience. Considering the theoretical and practical values of research on interpersonal relationship, based on the triangular model of interpersonal cognition, the current research combined the method of questionnaire, field experiment to explore how the priming of significant others influences one's goal pursuit. Analysis of variance was used so as to obtain many important results, including that: (a) the significantly impact of significant others on the pursuit of the goal; (b) attachment styles moderate the relationship between significant others and goal pursuit; and (c) significant others have significant influence on goal pursuit when the participants are the attachment security, while non-significant impact goal pursuit if participants are the attachment non-security style.
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2013年第5期679-684,共6页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(13YJC190007) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71171094)的资助
关键词 重要他人 依恋类型 目标承诺 significant others, attachment styles, goal commitment.
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