
张拉结构风致振动理论和试验研究 被引量:3

Theoretical and experimental studies on wind-induced vibration of tension structures
摘要 为了研究张拉结构风致振动机理和规律,采用风洞试验、流固耦合数值模拟方法(FSI)和频域方法对单片张拉膜结构、张拉膜结构屋盖和单层平面索网的风致振动响应进行了分析.利用风洞试验,研究了来流湍流度、风速、风向角、膜面张力等不同工况对结构测点位移和根方差的影响.采用数值模拟和频域方法,分析了典型风洞试验工况,并与试验结果进行对比,以验证理论分析方法的可靠性.结果表明:在紊流风作用下,单片索膜做随机受迫振动,振动以背景响应为主,FSI数值模拟、频域法与试验结果较为接近;膜结构屋盖在特征湍流作用下发生颤振,数值方法尚未模拟出这一现象;玻璃面板刚度可以有效降低单层索网风致振动响应. In order to study the vibration mechanism and regularity of tension structures, the wind tunnel test, FSI (fluid-solid interaction) numerical simulation and frequency domain method were used to study the wind induced response of monolithic tensioned membrane, complex tension membrane roof and monolayer cable net. Through the wind tunnel test, the influences of test conditions, such as flow turbulence, wind speed, wind angle pretension and so on, on the structure vibration were analyzed. The numerical simulation and frequency domain method were carried out to study the typical test conditions of the wind tunnel test. The analytical results were compared with the experimental results to verify the reliability of analytical analysis. The results show that monolithic membrane vibration stimu- lated by turbulence and background part dominates in the pulse response; the corresponding theoretical results are close to the experimental results. In the wind tunnel test, flutter appears in complex tensioned membrane roof; but this phenomenon cannot be reproduced by the theoretical methods. The glass panel can effectively reduce the vibration response of monolayer cable net
出处 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期1087-1096,共10页 Journal of Southeast University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(90815003) "十二五"国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2011BAJ08B10)
关键词 风致响应 张拉结构 随机振动理论 风洞试验 流固耦合 wind-induced vibration tension structures random vibration analysis wind tunnel test FSI( fluid-solid interaction)
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