
跨国公司中国员工的跨文化胜任力研究——“走出去”与“走进来”企业间的比较 被引量:1

On the Intercultural Competence of Chinese Employees in MNCs——A Comparison Between Going Global Chinese Firms and Foreign Firm in China
摘要 作为企业国际化经营关键因素的员工跨文化胜任力及其培养是亟待研究的问题。本文运用深度访谈法探讨了跨国公司中国员工的跨文化胜任力以及在"走进来"外国企业和"走出去"中国企业两种跨文化情境下的差异。基于访谈结果,本文发现"走出去"与"走进来"跨国公司中的中国员工的岗位任务存在巨大差异,从而面临着不同的跨文化胜任力要求,并进一步从跨文化知识、经验、技能、能力和自我概念与动机五个方面分析了两者间的差异;同时本文发现企业提升中国员工跨文化胜任力的4种方法。本文研究成果补充了前人的研究,丰富了跨国经营的理论并对新兴国家跨国公司员工的跨文化胜任力培养有指导意义。 This paper investigates the intercuhural competence of Chinese employees in MNEs, with "going global" Chinese firms and foreign firms in China compared and analyzed. The results indicate apparent differences in positions from Chi- nese employees of the two kinds of firms, and different intercultural communication situation and competence demands they deal with. The research results indicate that, due to huge differences in the internationalization and indigenization level among "go- ing global" Chinese firms and foreign firms in China, Chinese employees in former firms encounter with more challenges and competence gaps than those in latter ones. Based on the results, we classify the internal intercultural communication situations facing Chinese employees into five parts and external intercultural communication situations into three parts, and discuss inter- cultural communication challenges and competence gaps confronted by Chinese employees. To sum up, conclusions of this pa- per enrich international business theories, and offer some guidelines to cultivate intercultural communication competence of em- ployees of MNEs in emerging markets.
出处 《浙江工商大学学报》 2013年第5期79-90,共12页 Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University
基金 "英国首相行动计划2-中英就业力与创新力合作项目"(2010-2011年)~~
关键词 跨文化胜任力 企业国际化 中国员工 intercultural communication competence Internationalization chinese employees
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