
奶牛结核病检疫与净化 被引量:1

Detection and Eradication of Tuberculosis in Dairy Cow Herds
摘要 结核病是结核分枝杆菌引起的一种人畜共患传染病。按病原可分为人型、牛型和禽型三种。牛型结核可以在人和牛(尤其是奶牛)之间相互传播。笔者近年来参与跨越南北共3省5场近万头次奶牛结核检疫,由于跨越地域广、涉及牛场多、检疫奶牛数量大,所收集数据具有一定的代表性,揭示了目前我国奶牛结核病的流行状况:无明显南北差异,同一区域内不同场(群)间奶牛结核感染差异很大。本文结合南方某奶牛场成功净化结核病的实例,对防止阳性奶牛漏检的方法等进行介绍,表明奶牛结核病可以通过检疫、扑杀阳性牛、消毒、隔离等综合手段进行净化。 Tuberculosis is an anthropozoonosis caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis(MTB). According to the pathogens,MTB can be divided into three types:Mycobacterium hominis,Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium avis. Mycobacterium bovis can spread between human and cows,especially dairy cows. During the last years,the au-thor joined the tuberculosis detection for thousands of dairy cows in ifve farms of three provinces.Considering the long distances among the three provinces,the large number of farms and dairy cows involved,the data collected should be representative and could reveal the current epidemic situation of tuberculosis in dairy cows in China nowadays.The situation is that there is no much difference between the northern and the southern China and there is obvious difference between farms and herds in the same area. In the meantime,the author introduces an example of successful eradication of tuberculosis in a farm in south China and provides ways to avoid mis-detection as well as some other matters. And the example introduced afifrms that tuberculosis in dairy cow herds can be eradicated thoroughly by comprehensive control measures including detection,killing tuberculosis positive cows,disinfection and segregation.These conclusions have some reference value for the prevention and control of the tuberculosis in cows,especially the dairy cows.
作者 余国富
出处 《中国动物检疫》 CAS 2013年第10期46-49,共4页 China Animal Health Inspection
关键词 奶牛 结核病 检疫与净化 dairy cow tuberculosis detection and eradication
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