

A Critique of the Task -Based Approach from the Perspective of the Figure-Ground Theory
摘要 任务型教学法主张语言学习者在教室环境下通过使用语言完成指定的任务就可获得语言交际能力,而语法能力语言学习者可以通过自身的自我调控系统内化。换言之,语言的形式和意义在语言学习过程中是分离的。然而,在认知语言学视角下,这个看似鼓舞人心的语言教学法是不可行的。本文从图形-背景理论视角出发,通过分析任务型教学法的三个主要理论假设,就任务型教学法在语言教学或学习实践中的可行性提出质疑。 The task-based approach advocates argue that lan-guage learners can acquire communicative competence by using the target language to accomplish the prefabricated task in the classroom environment while grammatical competence can be in-ternalized by language learners through their own self-regulating system. In other words, the form and meaning within language are separated during the process of language learning under this ap-proach. However, this seemingly inspiring approach is not work-able from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. This paper challenges the workability of the Task-based Approach in lan-guage teaching or learning practice through analyzing three main theoretical assumptions proposed by this approach from the per-spective of the figure-ground theory.
作者 王瑞彪
出处 《科教文汇》 2013年第28期35-36,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 任务型教学法 图形-背景理论 可行性 task-based approach figure-ground theory worka-bility
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