运用FORTRAN编程对ANSYS软件的二进制结果文件快速读取,基于ORE B12/RP17方法将多轴应力转化为单轴应力,由单元/节点的方向应力计算结构的最大应力、最小应力、平均应力和应力幅,根据Haigh形式的Goodman曲线对结构进行疲劳强度评估,并将疲劳强度分析结果写入ANSYS结果文件,在ANSYS通用后处理器以图形的形式显示疲劳强度结果,实现结构疲劳强度结果的可视化。
A FORTRAN program had been established to read ANSYS binary result file promptly.Based on ORE B12/RP17,multiaxial stress status was transformed to uniaxial stress status,and the maximum stress,minimum stress,mean stress and stress amplitude with unit or node direction stress were calculated; then,the fatigue strength of structure was evaluated based on Goodman curve about Haigh style;finally,calculated results were written into original ANSYS result file,and the fatigue strength results could be displayed by ANSYS general post process,with which,visualization of structure strength and its displaying had been achieved.
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