
信息系统采纳后用户行为影响因素的实证研究 被引量:3

Individual Behaviors on Post-adoption Usage of Information Systems: An Empirical Study
摘要 基于期望证实模型以及使用理论,实证研究信息系统采纳后影响用户行为的因素。首先,将信息系统采纳后的行为分为三个阶段:接受阶段、使用阶段以及成果阶段,对三个阶段的相关研究进行总结分析,结合期望证实模型以及使用理论构建研究模型。第二,通过对问卷数据进行信效度和路径分析检验,验证影响因素间的假设,同时对影响用户继续使用意愿,三种使用行为与绩效之间的关系进行分析。研究结果显示,满意和感知有用性对继续使用意愿有显著的影响,使用路径和使用融合对绩效有显著的影响。最后对研究结果与不足进行讨论。 Based on Expectation Confirmation Model and System Usage Theory, the study empirically studied the factors influencing user behaviors on post-adoption usage of information systems. Firstly, the study divided post-adoption individual behaviors of information sys- tems into three stages: acceptance stage, usage stage and achievement stage. Through summarizing and analyzing some researches about the three stages, the study constructed a hypothetical model, combining with Expectation Confn-mation Model and System Usage Theory. Secondly, the structural equation modeling { SEM } technique was used to evaluate the causal model and confh-matory factor analysis was performed to examine the reliability and validity of the measurement model by the data collected. Then, the study studied the factors influ- encing user continual usage intention of information systems and the relationships between the three types of usage behaviors and individual performance. The conclusions show satisfaction and perceived usefulness have positive influence on continual usage intention, and routini- zations of use, infusion of use have positive influence on performance. Finally, the implications of the findings, limitations, discussions and explanation about the result are presented.
作者 陈渝 杜晓林
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期193-200,共8页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"信息系统采纳后影响用户行为的关键因素及作用机理研究"(编号:71061009) 云南省哲学社会科学项目"信息系统用户使用行为与绩效间的关系研究"(编号:YB201127)
关键词 期望证实模型 使用理论 使用行为 使用频率 使用路径 使用融合 rexpectation confirmation model system usage theory usage behaviors frequency of use routinization of use infusion of use
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