利用免培养法直接提取某浓香型白酒酒窖泥样(包括窖泥、窖皮泥)、大曲、黄水、粮糟样品中微生物(细菌)的基因组DNA,采用PCR-DGGE技术、分子克隆技术以及序列同源性分析等方法测定分析了5种样品中的细菌菌群组成,并构建其系统发育树。结果显示,该酒窖窖池的主要优势菌有芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus firmus)、丙酸杆菌属(Propionibacterium)、棒状杆菌属(Corynebacterium)、纤维菌属(Cellulomonas)等;该浓香型酒窖窖池中的微生物具有明显的多样性,不同样品中细菌菌群的组成之间既有联系又有差异;相对于传统的纯培养分析方法,运用PCRDGGE技术能够更客观地反映环境中微生物(细菌)菌落结构及其多样性。
In the experiment, culture independent method was used for direct extraction of the genome DNA of bacteria in five samples including pit mud, pit-sealing mud, Daqu, yellow water, and fermented grains. And PCR-DGGE, molecular cloning technique and 16S rDNA sequence ho- mology analysis etc. were applied for the analysis of the structure of bacterial flora in the five samples and the phylogenetic tree had been con- structed. The results showed that the dominant bacteria in the five samples were consisted ofBacillu~ firmus, Propionibacterium, Corynebacterium, and Cellulomonas etc. Except for obvious microbial diversity in pits, the structure of bacterial flora in different samples had both similarities and differences. Compared with traditional culture and analysis methods, the use of PCR-DGGE could reflect microbial colony structure and its diver- sity more objectively.
Liquor-Making Science & Technology