
《苔丝》两译本的译者风格对比研究 被引量:4

A Comparative Study of Translator's Style in the Two Chinese Versions of Tess of the D' Urbervilles
摘要 译者风格是通过一系列语言与非语言特征表现出来的指纹。张谷若、孙致礼在各自的《苔丝》译本中表现出了独特的译者风格。按照贝克的译者风格研究方法,从语言习惯、附加文本和翻译策略等方面对两译本的译者风格进行对比研究,探究其风格差异及其成因。可以发现,语言差异主要表现在遣词造句、译者前言和注释方面。张译多用四字结构,主张"地道的译文",并作大量注释;而孙译大量使用杂合语言,保留原作的"洋味",有意减少注释。非语言差异主要在于翻译策略,张谷若主张归化,而孙致礼则主张"异化为主,归化为副"。这些差异归因于译者个人的教育背景、治学态度及其所处的时代和社会文化语境不同。张谷若古文功底深厚,他踏实做人,严谨为学,其所处时代的"民族中心主义"及意识形态上的排他心理使归化译本盛行;孙致礼则是白话文教育背景,他大胆借鉴,勇于超越,其所处的全球化语境、世界多元文化格局要求译本满足读者获取异质文化的期待。 Translator' s style is a kind of thumb-print that is expressed in a range of linguistic as well as non-linguistic features. Zhang Guruo and Sun Zhili have expressed unique styles of translation in their versions of Tess of the D' Urbervilles. In light of Mona Baker' s methodology for investigating the style of a literary translator, this paper will conduct a comparative study of the translator' s style in the two versions of Tess of the D' Urbervilles from linguistic habits, praratexts and translation strategies to ex-plore the differences of the two translators' style and the reasons for the differences. Differences at the linguistic level can mainly be found in phrasing, translator' s preface and footnote. Zhang prefers to use four-character structures, pursuing idiomatic trans-lation and adding hundreds of footnotes; while Sun prefers the hybridity of language to retain the " foreignness" in the original work and he reduces the use of footnote consciously. Differences at non-linguistic level refer to their choices of translation strate-gies. Zhang advocates domestication, while Sun adopts " mainly foreignization, domestication as the last resort". The factors leading to these differences are the differences of individual educational background, academic attitudes and their context of time and social cultures. Zhang has excellent mastery of the ancient literary Chinese. He is an honest and rigorous scholar, in whose time ethnocentrism and exclusive psychology prevailed. Sun has vernacular Chinese background and he learns from the previous versions with a purpose to surpass it. He lives in a global context in which the diversified cultural pattern and the cross-cultural communication have nurtured the readers' expectation to experience foreignized culture in translation.
作者 张乐金 徐剑
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2013年第5期69-73,共5页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 江苏师范大学2010年校基金项目"论英汉文学翻译中异化策略的忠实性及读者接受的统一"(项目编号:10XWB13)阶段性成果
关键词 《苔丝》 译者风格 语言习惯 附加文本 翻译策略 Tess of the D' Urbervilles translator's style linguistic habits praratexts translation strategies
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