针对GSZ6/760管式成绳机存在托轮式转速慢,大轴承式油脂需要经常更换,以及设备噪音大等问题,设计了GSZ8/800管式成绳机。传动组件采用双同步齿形带传动到地轴,传动功率为63.62 kW,大于生产最大规格钢丝绳所需的牵引功率,降低了设备的噪音,提高了设备的转速;绞线组件采用大轴承支撑筒体,大轴承采用外穿线式轴套结构和油雾润滑系统,可保证大轴承的使用寿命;捻距箱组件采用6档内置式传动,64级传动比,1档2位,定位可靠,传动平稳,换档轻松,维护简单方便;牵引组件采用双牵引轮主动牵引,出线过程中绳与绳互不摩擦挤压,与牵引轮接触面积大,保证了出线质量。生产实践表明,GSZ8/800管式成绳机生产效率比国内同类产品提高25%。
Abstract Aiming at such problems as low speed, often changing bearing grease and strong equipment noise existing in GSZ6/760 tubular closer, the GSZ8/800 tubular closer was designed. The drive group adopt double synchronous cog belt to drive ground axis, drive power is 63.62 kW, which is bigger than required power to produce maximum rope, decreased e- quipment noise and increased equipment rotate speed; stranding group adopt big bearing supporting barrel, big bearing a- dopt out threading shaft sleeve structure and oil fog lubrication system, which can ensure big bearing service life; lay pitch box group adopt 6 grade built-in drive, 64 class drive ratio, one grade two position, reliable positing, stable drive, easy grade change, maintenance simple and convenience; traction group adopt double traction wheel initiative traction, without friction extrude between ropes in the course of rope exiting, big contact area with traction wheel, which ensure rope exit quality. Practical production shows the production efficiency of GSZ8/800 tubular closer rise 25% than domestic same class product.
Metal Products
Keywords tubular closer
double synchronous cog belt
lay pitch box
big bearing oil fog lubrication
double tractionwheel