
外企知识型员工心理疲劳的影响因素研究——以博世无锡柴油系统公司为例 被引量:2

Research on Psychological Fatigue of Knowledge Staff in Foreign-invested Enterprise: Empirical Analysis from Bosch Automotive Diesel Systems Co.,Ltd
摘要 目的针对知识型员工这一特殊群体的心理疲劳问题,分析现阶段外企知识型员工心理疲劳问题现状,并对影响心理疲劳的因素进行探讨。方法选择博世无锡柴油系统公司的知识型员工为样本,编制外企知识型员工心理疲劳调查问卷进行调研和统计分析。结果(1)工作性质、社会环境二个维度对心理疲劳的影响程度最大;(2)男性的综合疲劳度高于女性;(3)已婚者的综合疲劳度大于未婚者;(4)心理疲劳程度有随着年龄增加的趋势;(5)心理疲劳程度随着工作年限的增加先增再减,最后达到最高点;(6)管理人员和技术人员的心理疲劳程度最高;(7)心理疲劳程度随着学历水平的增加而逐渐降低。结论不同类型外企知识型员工的心理疲劳程度存在差异,前因变量各维度对该群体心理疲劳的影响程度存在差异。 Objective This paper pays attention to psychological fatigue of knowledge staff in foreign-invested en- terprise. We conduct a synthetic research by empirical analysis from Bosch Automotive Diesel Systems Co.,Ltd. Based on Chinese Circumstances, this paper analyzes the current psychological fatigue problem of knowledge staff in foreign-invested enterprise and heckles factors affecting psychological fatigue. The results indicate that:(1) the nature of work and social environment affect mental fatigue mostly;(2) the degree of men's mental fatigue is higher than women's;(3) married persons' mental fatigue is more than unmarried persons';(4) mental fatigue will increase with the increasing age;(5) Mental fatigue level increases firstly and then reduces with the increasing of work years, and finally reaches the highest point;(6) managers and technical staff have the highest degree of mental fatigue;(7) mental fatigue level will gradually reduce with the increase of education level.
机构地区 江南大学商学院
出处 《人类工效学》 2013年第3期12-17,共6页 Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划(NCET-10-0458) 国家自然科学基金(70901034)资助
关键词 知识型员工 心理疲劳 外企 实证分析 knowledge staff psychological fatigue foreign-invested enterprise empirical analysis
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