

On Critical Context of Ben Benjamin's The Arcades Project
摘要 本文从两个角度探讨了"拱廊街"与发达资本主义共谋的问题:一是从文本层面即也就是从本雅明《拱廊街计划》手稿中对拱廊街的批判词条出发,二是从作为物质文化的拱廊街,从它的建筑材料、结构、功能等角度出发,对拱廊街这个发达资本主义时期的"拜物"病灶展开批判。本雅明希望借助超现实主义以梦幻手段逃离现实的虚幻性,以唤来弥撒亚之灵。但本雅明的批判方法本身带有乌托邦性质,最终是向内心寻求突破,而不希求对外变革。本雅明的拱廊街计划应是对整个社会寓言的抽象性思考,而非指向外部现实的政治经济学批判。反之本雅明拱廊街批判中展示出来的后现代性,与今日拱廊街物是人非的现状相似,悄悄呼应了波德里亚的拟像文化理论。 This paper, from two perspectives, discusses the conspiracy problem between arcades and developed capitalist: one is from text level, namely from the manuscript of Benjamin's Arcades Project. The other is from arcade as material culture, from its building materials, structure, function and so on to discuss on the "Fetishism" during the developed capitalist period of arcade. Benjamin hopes to escape from reality with the help of surrealism through illusoriness means to summon Messiah. However, Benjamin's criticism method itself has utopia nature, which seeks breakthrough from the heart but not through external change. His arcade plan should be abstract thinking to the whole society rather than political economy critique pointing external reality. The post-modernity showed from Benjamin's critique of arcade is similar to the current situation of the arcade, which quietly echoes Baudrillard's Simulacra Culture Theory.
作者 范佳妮
机构地区 巴黎大学文学系
出处 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2013年第5期68-73,共6页 Journal of Jiangnan University:Humanities & Social Sciences Edition
关键词 本雅明 拱廊街计划 拜物教 政治经济学批判 Benjamin Arcade Project Fetishism Political Economy Critique
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