
腐蚀下浸渍石墨材料的摩擦磨损特性研究 被引量:8

Friction and Wear Characteristics of Impregnated Graphite Materials under Corrosion Environments
摘要 以火箭发动机涡轮泵石墨密封和核主泵水润滑石墨轴承为应用背景,针对浸渍石墨材料,研究烧制工艺和销盘配副下的摩擦磨损.通过控制工艺主参数烧制温度,制备了3种石墨化程度的试样;销盘配副试验结果表明:干摩擦状态下,随着石墨化程度的增加,试样的摩擦系数降低、磨损率增加;在腐蚀环境下,石墨化程度小的试样在pv为30时的摩擦系数和磨损率较未腐蚀时变化不大,随着石墨化程度的增加,试样的摩擦系数和磨损量均增加,磨损量约为无腐蚀情况下的2~3倍;随着声口值的增加,石墨的磨损率显著增加,摩擦系数降低.研究得到的基础摩擦学数据为密封和轴承浸渍石墨材料和工艺的选用提供了参考. The research in this article is about impregnated graphite materials which are widely used in aerospace equipment mechanical seal and nuclear main pump water lubricated bearings, and three samples with different graphitization degrees are prepared in different firing temperatures, and we use pin dish ma chine to test the friction and wear characteristic of the samples. The results show that in the dry friction condition, with the degree of graphitization increases, the friction coefficient reduces and the wear rate increases. And in corrosive environments and when the value of pv is 30, change in the friction coefficient and wear rate of samples with small degree of graphitization is less than those of non-corroding condition. As the degree of graphitization increases,the friction coefficient and wear of graphite increase, which is a- bout two to three times of the non-corroding condition. As the value of pv increases, the wear rate of graphite increases significantly and friction coefficient decreases. Results will provide important reference for the preparation and selection of graphite materials in corrosive environments.
出处 《徐州工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第3期21-26,共6页 Journal of Xuzhou Institute of Technology(Natural Sciences Edition)
基金 国家973计划项目(2009CB724304-2)
关键词 腐蚀环境 浸渍石墨 干摩擦 摩擦系数 磨损量 corrosion environment impregnated graphite dry friction friction coefficient wearing capacity
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