本文针对目前聋校语文教学的现状 ,结合聋生学语言的特点 ,提出聋校语文教学中存在的三个问题 :1 .轻视词义、句义等基础教学环节的教学 ;2 .忽视聋生语言交往能力的培养 ;3.不重视语法教学。文章在阐明了理由的同时提出了改进方法。
In the light of the characters of deaf-mutes learning language, this article puts forward three problems in accordance with the present situation of Chinese teaching in schools for deaf-mutes: 1.Pay less attention to the basic teaching sectors, such as meaning of words, meaning of sentences and so on. 2. Ignore fostering in deaf-mutes the ability of communication of language. 3.Pay no attention to the grammar teaching. The author proposes amendments and he expounds the reasons.
Chinese Journal of Special Education