目的了解乙二胺四乙酸二钾(EDTA)抗凝血血细胞分析时导致血小板假性减少的原因。方法用不同的检测方法对2例怀疑由于EDTA-K2抗凝剂致血小板假性减少标本进行测定,并以手工血小板计数为参考方法。结果 EDTA抗凝剂导致血液中血小板发生聚集,引起血小板假性减少,镜检可见血小板成团聚集,末梢血中人工血小板计数均在正常。结论 EDTA能促使患者血小板与纤维蛋白原受体结合聚集成团,导致在血细胞分析仪上检测时出现血小板假性减少的现象。因此检验人员应在临床工作中应引起足够的重视。
Objective To investigate the reason of pseudo thrombo cytopenia(PTCP) caused by using ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid-k2(EDTA-K2) decoagulant during the testing blood cell conut.Method To deal with method different testing methods had been used two patients with the PTCP samples which were suspected induced by using EDTA-K2 decoagulant,and using manual blood platelets condo method as control.Result EDTA-K2 decoagulant can affect platelet aggregation and induce PTCP;but platelets count was normal by using manual blood platelets count method.The blood platelets count were Significant difference between two methods.Conclusion EDTA-K2 decoagulant can affect platelet aggregation and induce PTCP,we should pay attention to this phenomenon during testing the blood platelets count(BPC).
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