

Improved Routing Selection Strategy Based on Local Information
摘要 为了缓解复杂网络中交通流的拥塞现象,文中针对无标度网络上的基于局域信息的路由策略进行改进,提出一种新的优化方案。这种方案仅涉及节点的度,并且只有一个可调参数α(即度的指数)。相对于传统的基于局域信息的路由选择策略,改进的策略以较大的概率选择相邻节点中度数较小的节点,从而绕开了hub节点,使得hub节点的传输负担减小,网络的通讯能力明显提高。通过大量的实验仿真和相关的理论证明表明,当α=-1时,网络具有最大的通讯能力和最小的网络负载。 In order to alleviate the congestion of traffic flow in complex network,propose a new optimization method on scale-free net-work,which is an improved routing strategy based on local information. This algorithm is only related with the degree of a node,and a single tunable parameterαthat is called the exponent of the degree. Compared with traditional routing strategy on scale-free networks based on local information,the improved method can choose the adjacent node which has the smaller degree with a greater probability. Only by this way can bypass the hub node,reduce the transport burden of the hub node and maximize the handling capacity of the net-work. Some simulations and related theoretical proof are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method,and the result shows that whenα =-1,the network achieves the best maximal communication capacity and the smallest load.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2013年第10期56-59,63,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20103223110003) 教育部人文社会科学研究基金(12YJAZH120) 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK2010526)
关键词 无标度网络 路由策略 局域信息 网络的通信能力 scale-free network routing strategy local information network communication capacity
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