为了提高对云存储系统主服务器中元数据的有效管理,在数据密集型应用中,考虑到读多写少的特点符合网络中各种应用的基本特征,而文件存储的元数据往往小于4 kB,提出一种基于SSD的针对云存储系统主服务器的元数据管理策略,建立了一套相对独立的存储服务器目录路径索引机制。此策略将元数据的管理分为两个部分:目录路径索引和文件名,充分利用SSD的低功耗与优越读性能。测试表明,基于SSD的云存储主服务器元数据管理策略可以明显改善系统响应时间,降低延迟,提升云存储系统的性能。
Aiming at the effective management of the metadata in master server of the cloud storage system,considering the characteristic of reading more writing less conforms to the basic characteristics of the various applications in the network,while metadata usually is less than 4 kB,propose a master server metadata management strategy in cloud storage system based on SSD in data-intensive applications, which establishes an relatively independent storage server directory path indexing policy. The strategy separates metadata into two parts:directory path indexing and file name,the strategy takes full advantage of SSD which is low in power consumption and high in perform-ance. Test indicates the strategy can improve response time dramatically,decrease time delay,boost performance of cloud storage system.
Computer Technology and Development
工业和信息化部电子发展基金项目(KYHXRJ 021101)