

Plain Language:Principles,Workplace Efficacy and Revelation
摘要 使用通俗英语,要从语言、信息布局和设计各角度满足受众"易获取、易理解、易使用"的要求,西方职场证明遵循此使用原则可以提升职场信息交流的效用。对汉语语境下信息交流的诟病分析结果,反映出推广通俗语言观的现实必要性。建议中国高校在语言教学中应注意培养本族学生通俗化呈现信息的意识和方法,海外汉语教学机构要以国际视野结合西方的通俗语言观传播通俗汉语。 Plain language prioritizes to satisfy audience need for accessibility, comprehensibility and usability through the wording, information layout and document design. Strong evidences have proved that following plain language guideline contributes much to professional efficiency in the workplace and corporations in English speaking countries. The analysis of communication failures in Chinese context claims a need to promote an awareness of plain language in China. It is suggested that Chinese universities train their students of Chinese language to present information in a plain way, and that Chinese language institutions overseas bring a global plain language outlook into their Chinese teaching philosophy so as to help Chinese mastered and used by more overseas learners.
作者 张鸰
出处 《厦门理工学院学报》 2013年第3期83-87,共5页 Journal of Xiamen University of Technology
关键词 通俗语言使用原则 职场效用 业务信息文档 plain language principles workplace efficacy work documents
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