
美国高校教师发展:多维的演进 被引量:7

Faculty Development in the US:A Multi-diversification Evolution
摘要 高校教师发展运动肇始于美国,历经了四十多年的发展与演进,进程中呈现诸多的多元化特征:即"多因素"——美国高校教师发展的动因、"多向度"——美国高校教师发展的目标、"多类型"——美国高校教师发展的对象、"多形式"——美国高校教师发展的模式、"多渠道"——美国高校教师发展的资助。上述诸"多"赋予了美国高校教师发展持续的、异彩纷呈的强劲生命力。 Faculty development movement started in the US. It has experienced the evolution more than forty years. It' s evolution has many diversified characteristics, such as "multi - factor" agents of faculty development in the US, "multi - dimension" ---goals of faculty development in the US, "multi - types" objects of faculty development in the US, "multi - form" ---patterns of faculty development in the US, "multi - channels" funds of faculty development in the US. It is these " diversification " that give continuous , colorful and strong vitality to faculty development in the US.
作者 赵惠君
出处 《高等教育研究学报》 2013年第3期45-48,55,共5页 Journal of Higher Education Research
基金 全国教育科学国防军事教育学科"十二五"规划课题(PLA112003) 湖南省普通高校教改研究项目(湘教通[2011]315号) 国防科技大学教改课题
关键词 美国高校教师发展 演进 多元化 faculty development in the US evolution diversification
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