目的 提高留置针在系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者输液中的穿刺成功率和保留时间、减少穿刺部位不良反应发生.方法 选择30例SLE患者作为研究对象,采用自身对照的方法,对照组采用常规穿刺及固定方法,观察组采用改良穿刺及固定方法,比较2组一次性置管成功率、保留时间、局部红肿痛痒的发生情况.结果 一次穿刺成功数观察组29例,对照组23例;保留时间1~4 d观察组12例,对照组23例,5~7d观察组18例,对照组7例;穿刺部位不良反应观察组1例,对照组10例.观察组穿刺成功率和保留时间高于对照组,穿刺部位不良反应低于对照组,比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05).结论 改良后的穿刺及固定方法可提高留置针在SLE患者输液中的利用率,减少并发症发生.
Objective To increase the sunccess rate ,tile retention period of the catheter and to reduse the oceurrenee of adverse reaction. Methods 30 SLE patients were selected to join in the self---eontrolled study. The contral grnup used traditional puneture and fixation method; the intervention group .sod improved putleh:rc and fixation method. Compare the two groups' success rate,retention period ,the condition of local swelling and loeal pain and so on. Results The sueeess rate was higher and retention period were longer in intervention group compared with the contral gr.up. Adverse reaclion of puneture site: the intervention group was 1 ,the contrai group was 10( P〈0. 05 ). Conclusion The inproved pancure and fixation method hnproves the utilization of catheter in SLE patients' refusion and reduces complications at the same time.