As a brand new concept in service marketing, there has been increased scholarly interest in the topic of service convenience. Prior research about service convenience is mainly concentrated in two aspects: first, research on definition and operationalization of the concept; second, empirical studies, including research on consequences of service convenience and antecedents which may affect consumers'perceptions of service convenience. In this paper we examined, summarized and commentated on major research findings of both domestic and overseas studies on service convenience, then advanced five directions for the future research. First, the empirical study of service convenience should be strengthened. Second, valid scales for consumer" perceptions of service convenience using psychometrical methods should be further developed. Third, the research method should be improved. Fourth, other antecedents of service convenience should be examined. Finally, the interactive effects among the variables such as convenience, price and quality in the service evaluation also need to be further investigated.
Contemporary Economic Management
service convenience
five-dimensional model
literature review
future agenda