
从胶济铁路的修建看近代对华技术转移中的冲突与适应 被引量:3

Conflicts and Adaptations in Technology Transfer to Modern China:The Case of Kiaotsi Railway
摘要 1897年德国以武力占领胶州湾,1899年德国辛迪加成立山东铁路公司,负责胶济铁路的修筑和运营。筑路初期,德国人野蛮粗暴的行为方式导致与当地民众的多次暴力冲突。1900年袁世凯与山东铁路公司签订的《胶济铁路章程》有利于规范铁路公司的行为。义和团运动期间,筑路冲突达到顶峰。分析可知,引起筑路冲突的原因主要可归为文化因素(风水和坟墓文化)和利益因素(土地产权和农田排水)。山东铁路公司通过与山东官府和士绅合作,解决上述问题,并在一些重要城镇修建了通往火车站的公路。胶济铁路建设中的冲突与适应是殖民地与境下技术转移双方相互作用的表现和结果。 Germany occupied Kiaochow Bay by force in 1897. In 1899, German Syndicate founded Shandong Railway Company to construct and operate Kiaotsi Railway. In the initial period of the construction, the brutal behaviors of the Germans led to several violent confrontations with the local people. Kiaotsi Railway Regulations signed in 1900 was beneficial to regulating the behaviors of Germans. The confrontations during the construction mainly resulted from the cultural factors(geomancy and tomb culture) and benefit factors(land property right and farmland drainage). Shandong Railway Company cooperated with local authorities and gentries to solve the problems mentioned above, and to build roads leading to the railway stations in some key cities and towns.The conflicts and adaptations during the construction of Kiaotsi Railway are the representation and result of the interactions between the two parties of the technology transfer in the context of colonization.
作者 王斌
出处 《工程研究(跨学科视野中的工程)》 CSCD 2013年第3期318-326,共9页 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING STUDIES
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程项目"中外科学技术比较研究"(GZ01-07-01)
关键词 胶济铁路 技术转移 冲突 适应 相互作用 Kiaotsi Railway technology transfer conflicts adaptations interaction
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