
口服阿奇霉素对缓解喘息样支气管炎临床症状的观察 被引量:1

Efficacy of Oral Azithromycin in Treating Wheezy Bronchitis in Children
摘要 目的:观察口服阿奇霉素(希舒美)在缓解婴幼儿喘息样支气管炎喘息症状的作用机制。方法:住院喘息样支气管炎、支原体IgM(-)患儿104例,随机编号法分为治疗组53例和对照组51例,两组均用普米克令舒、沙丁胺醇驱动雾化、呼吸道管理等常规治疗。治疗组加用阿奇霉素(希舒美)8~10 mg/(kg·d)口服。临床观察并比较两组气促、咳嗽、肺部罗音好转情况、所需沙丁胺醇驱动雾化次数及住院时间。结果:治疗组在咳嗽、喘鸣、气促、肺部啰音的消失时间及住院日方面均优于对照组,治疗组住院期间需要加用驱动雾化的次数明显少于对照组,比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论:加用阿奇霉素(希舒美)口服对缓解婴幼儿喘息临床观察有效,使用方便。 Objective: To observe oral azithromycin ( Xishumei ) in the mechanism of alleviating infantile Asthmatoid Bronchitis asthma symptoms. Method: One hundred and four children admitted with wheezy bronchitis and negative mycoplasma IgM were enrolled and randomly divided into the treatment group of 53 cases and the control group of 51 cases.The children in two groups were treated with conventional therapy including nebulization and nebulized salbutamol.Oral azithromycin 8-10 mg/( kg·d ) were added to the control group.The duration of accelerated breathing, cough, pulmonary rales, hospitalization and the times of nebulized salbutamol needed were observed and compared.Result: The duration of accelerated breathing, cough, pulmonary tales and hospitalization in the treatment group were significantly shorter than those of control group, and the times of nebulized salbutamol needed in the treatment group was less than that in control group, there were statistically significant differences (P〈0.01) .Conclusion: Combined with azithromycin ( Xishumei ) to relieve wheezin~ infants oral clinical observation is effective, easv to use.
作者 王育红
出处 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2013年第28期109-111,共3页 Medical Innovation of China
关键词 喘息样 支气管炎 阿奇霉素(希舒美) 口服 Wheezy Bronchitis Azithromycin ( Xishumei ) ~ Oral
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