
血清人附睾分泌蛋白4检测在卵巢癌诊断中的临床应用 被引量:9

Clinical Value of Serum Human Epididymial Protein 4 in The Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer
摘要 [目的]探讨人附睾分泌蛋白4(human epididymial protein 4,HE4)在卵巢癌诊断中的价值。[方法]采用酶联免疫吸附试验和化学发光法检测48例卵巢癌患者、33例卵巢良性肿瘤患者以及38例健康体检者血清HE4以及糖类抗原125(CA125)的水平。[结果]血清HE4诊断卵巢癌的ROC曲线下面积为0.921(95%CI:0.887~0.955)。HE4 86.5pmol/L为阈值时诊断敏感度为66.7%,特异性为84.5%。而血清CA125诊断卵巢癌的ROC曲线下面积为0.902(95%CI:0.857~0.947)。CA125 48.2U/ml为阈值时诊断敏感度为62.5%,特异性为81.7%。HE4与CA125联合检测诊断卵巢癌的ROC曲线下面积为0.947(95%CI:0.914~0.980)。卵巢癌Ⅲ~Ⅳ期患者血清HE4水平明显高于Ⅰ~Ⅱ期患者(P〈0.001),有淋巴结转移患者血清HE4水平明显高于无淋巴结转移患者(P〈0.001)。[结论]HE4可作为卵巢癌诊断的血清学标志物,且与CA125联合检测可提高卵巢癌诊断效率。 [Purpose] To evaluate the diagnostic value of human epididymal protein 4(HE4) for ovarian cancer.[Methods] Forty-eight cases with ovarian cancer,33 cases with benign ovarian tumor and 38 cases of healthy control were enrolled.Serum HE4 and carbohydrate antigen 125(CA125) level were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and chemiluminescence assay.[Results] The area of ROC curve of HE4 for ovarian cancer diagnosis was 0.921(95%CI: 0.887 ~0.955).The sensitivity was 66.7% and specificity was 84.5% while HE4 cut-off was 86.5pmol/L.The area of ROC curve of CA125 for ovarian cancer diagnosis was 0.902(95%CI: 0.857 ~0.947).The sensitivity was 62.57% and specificity was 81.7% while CA125 cut-off was 48.2 U/ml.The area of ROC curve of HE4 combined with CA125 for ovarian cancer diagnosis was 0.947(95%CI:0.914~0.980).Serum HE4 level in patients with stage Ⅲ~ Ⅳ or with lymph node metastasis was significantly higher than in stage Ⅰ~Ⅱ or without lymph node metastasis respectively(P0.05).[Conclusion] HE4 might be used as a serum marker in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer.It can improve the efficiency of diagnosis of ovarian cancer when combined with CA125.
作者 缪亚梅 金梅
出处 《中国肿瘤》 CAS 2013年第10期838-840,共3页 China Cancer
关键词 卵巢癌 人附睾分泌蛋白4 糖类抗原125 ovarian cancer human epididymal protein 4 carbohydrate antigen 125 tumor marker
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