
啤酒酵母的基因改良研究动态 被引量:8

Genetic Modification in Brewing Yeast
摘要 近年来 ,利用基因工程进行酵母的育种在发酵广谱碳水化合物、提高糖化效率 ,改良酵母凝聚特性和改善啤酒风味方面取得了很大成绩。基因重组菌株将逐步应用到生产实践中。 Brewing yeast can be simply classified as those yeasts capable of producing palatable beer. Each strain imparts its own distinctive flavour to the fermented beer. Historically, these yeasts have undergone little or no improvement for their particular applications. Only in recent years, with new methods in biotechnology and gene engineering it should be possible to create new brewing yeast strains which gain additional abilities for a better and easier brewing process. Genetically modified strains can ferment wider range of carbohydrates, produce beers with improved flavours and better flocculation properties. It is necessary for the authorities concerned to prepare regulations for the commercial use of genetically modified brewing yeast.
作者 张柳莹
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期47-52,共6页 Food and Fermentation Industries
关键词 啤酒酵母 基因改良 brewing yeast genetic modification
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