

Study on EDM-milling for Aluminum Alloy Welding Joint
摘要 以铝合金焊缝的电火花铣削工艺为研究对象,利用电火花铣削技术对铝合金焊缝凸起进行了处理,并与经砂轮磨削处理的焊缝进行了力学性能、表面形貌、尺寸精度的对比,最后对电火花铣削铝合金焊缝的加工效率进行了研究。结果表明:铣削工艺影响焊缝力学性能,电火花铣削工艺与砂轮磨削工艺处理的焊缝抗拉性能相当;砂轮磨削焊缝表面为各向异性划痕沟槽式分布,电火花铣削焊缝表面为各向同性较均匀凹坑;同等尺寸要求下,电火花铣削工艺的尺寸精度高于砂轮磨削。 Based on the technology of electrical discharge machining milling (EDM-milling), the welding joint protruberances are treated with EDM-milling. The welding joints by EMD-milling are compared with those by grinding milling, in mechanical praperties, surface morphology, dimentional accuracy. At last, the processing efficiency of EDM-milling on aluminum alloy welding joints is researched. The results show that milling processes effected mechanical properties of welding joints, the EDM-milling process and grinding milling process is similar on tensile properties of welding joints. The surface of welding joints grinded appear that aluminum alloy have some anisotroic scratch groove distribution type, while the surface treated with EDM-milling is morphology for anisotropic homogeneous dimples. Under the same size, the size precision with EDM-milling is better than with grinding milling.
出处 《电加工与模具》 2013年第5期18-20,26,共4页 Electromachining & Mould
关键词 电火花铣削 焊缝处理 铝合金焊缝 EDM-milling welding handling process aluminum alloy welding joint
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