Objective:To explore the feasibility of mandibuloplastic surgery or augmentation on the maxilla with autologous bone or Medpor during the orthognathic surgery . Methods: In this series , 18 consecutive patients (females, average age 23) with dentofacial deformities ,were underwent orthognathic surgeries and mandibuloplasti -es, or augmentation on the maxilla with autologous bone or Medpor .Dentofacial deformities were classified as mandi-ble prognathism ( or complicated by mandible deviation ) with classⅢmalocclusions in 13, bimaxillary protusion in 2, maxilla retrusion and mandible prognathism in 3.Results:All patients showed normal sensibility of the lower lip after a 6-month postoperative follow-up, that indicated that inferior alveolar nerve functional was not be affected perpetually.Teeth injury,infection or bone segment necrosis didn′t occur in this series.Normal occlusions were established after the postoperative 6 to 23-month orthodontic treatment in the all patients .Harmonious and attractive facial contours are achieved in the all patients .The grafted bone present less bone resorption in some patients by radiographic assessment after from 6-month to 3-year surgery .Conclusion:The study shows that mandibuloplasty or /and augmentation on the maxilla can be safely performed at the time of orthog-nathic surgery ,and improve the results and the patient′s satisfaction .Moreover , this additional surgeries don′t increase the complication rate .Osseous tissue from mandibuloplastic surgery can be used as bone grafting for orthognathic surgery and it avoids the harvesting bone from other parts .
Journal of Southeast University(Medical Science Edition)
orthognathic surgeries
facial contour