

Loop closure algorithm research based on bag-of-words
摘要 为了解决现在机器人即时定位与闭环检测时的鲁棒性等问题,我们提出了一种基于图片序列的有效特征来检测的方法。利用磁带库加几何检测的方法去实现闭环检测,其中使用了二进制描述符和逆索引的磁带库去进行图片的匹配。 in order to solve the robot now real-time positioning and robustness of the closed-loop detection problem, we put forward a kind of effective feature to detect method based on image sequence. Use bag-of-words with geometry inspection method to realize the closed loop, which USES the binary inverse indexing descriptors and the bag-of-words to image matching.
出处 《电子设计工程》 2013年第20期191-193,共3页 Electronic Design Engineering
关键词 机器人 字典树 权重 几何检测 SLAM dictionary tree weight geometric detection
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