
用于微石英陀螺质量修调的微电镀实验研究 被引量:2

Experimental Research on Micro-Electroplating Process to Adjust Mass Balance of Micro-Quartz Gyroscope
摘要 为了消除微石英音叉陀螺中存在的机械耦合误差,采用了质量修调的方法.运用微电镀工艺在音叉叉指上制作金质量块,通过正交实验,讨论了温度、电流和搅拌速度对电镀质量块粗糙度和厚度的影响,并分析了电镀层厚度与时间的关系,确定了工艺参数,其中温度控制在70℃、电流设定为5mA、搅拌速度设定为900r/min、所需电镀时间为130min.后经过初步激光修调,使得机械耦合误差由1.840V减小到0.132V,提高了陀螺性能. To eliminate the mechanical coupling error of micro-quartz tuning fork gyroscope, this work uses mass adjustment technique by electroplating gold mass on the tuning fork. With the orthogonal test, the effects of temperature, current and mixing speed on the surface roughness of mass are observed and the height of gold mass versus time is analyzed. Therefore the parameters of fabrication could be determined as follows. The temperature should be controlled at 70 ~C, the electric current be set to 5 mA, mixing speed be set to 900 r/rain and the electroplating time is 130 rain. It is shown that, after preliminary laser trimming, the mechanical coupling error of gyroscope is decreased from 1. 840 V to 0. 132 V, and the performance of micro quartz gyroscope is improved.
出处 《北京理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期985-990,共6页 Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology
基金 国家部委预研项目(200653009)
关键词 微石英陀螺 机械耦合误差 微电镀 正交实验法 亚硫酸盐镀金 micro quartz gyroscope; mechanical coupling error; micro-electroplating; orthogonaltest sulfite gold electroplating
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