
基于GIS、RS的盐城国家级珍禽自然保护区丹顶鹤生态安全研究 被引量:3

GIS,RS Based Study on Ecological Security of Red-Crowned Cranes in Yancheng National Rare Bird Nature Reserve
摘要 丹顶鹤的生态安全是指丹顶鹤所处的生态系统能够维持丹顶鹤种群持续生存的需求和条件,其中关键是丹顶鹤生境的安全.丹顶鹤生境安全从根本上取决于生境的适宜性和人为对生境的干扰程度.本文从丹顶鹤生境安全和人为干扰程度两方面对丹顶鹤生态安全进行评价,采用指标体系法,利用arcgis9,通过赋值、计算对盐城自然保护区2005年丹顶鹤生态安全和奤套河口以南1992~2005年丹顶鹤生态安全变化态势进行评价.结果表明:2005年研究区总体上是适宜丹顶鹤栖息的,区内安全状态的面积占15.96%,较安全状态的面积最大,占64.78%;研究区内奤套河口以南1992~2005年生态安全等级的变化格局以严重危险、危险和预警等级面积的显著增加,较安全等级面积大幅度缩减,安全等级面积略有减少为基本特征.奤套河口以南1992~2005年丹顶鹤生态安全动态变化态势的基本状况是:有近一半面积处于变化甚微的状态,有35.6%的地域呈现不同强度的恶化态势,12.85%的区域有所改善,2.84%的区域有较大改善. Ecological Security of red-crowned crane refers to the Ecological Security where red-crowned cranes inhabit can maintain the living conditions of red-crowned cranes, and importantly, security of red-crowned cranes is the key point. Fundamentally,ecological security of red-crowned cranes depends on ecological suitability and human interference with ecology. Thus, the author evaluates the ecological security of red-crowned cranes from the two factors mentioned above,and applies index system,arcgis 9, evaluation and computation to assess red-crowned cranes' ecological security (2005) in Yancheng Nature Reserve and the variation state( 1992 - 2005 )of red-crowned cranes' ecological security in southern Hatao Estuary. Findings are the following: in 2005, as a whole, researching area was suitable for red-crowned cranes, security-area held 15.96% , less-security-area possessed 64.78% ;in southern Hatao Estuary, from 1992 to 2005, grading variation of ecological security showed that critical-dangerous-area, dangerous-area and early-warning-area expanded greatly,less-security-area shrank amazingly, and security-area decreased a little bit. Besides, dynamic variation of ecological security indicates that almost half of research area is stable, 35.6% shows different-intensity of worsen state,12.85% changes for the better and 2.84% improves a lot.
作者 吴海杰
出处 《南京师范大学学报(工程技术版)》 CAS 2013年第3期81-88,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology Edition)
关键词 丹顶鹤 自然保护区 生态安全 盐城 red-crowned cranes, nature reserve, ecological security, Yancheng
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