

Process of Jianzhong Incident and Some Issues about Military Governorship at Early Dezhong Period of Tang Dynasty
摘要 唐德宗即位第二年即建中二年(781)发动了针对魏博、成德、淄青和山南东道四镇的讨伐战争。这场旨在扫平割据藩镇的军事行动,前后绵延七年之久,涉及唐朝东北、西北、中原及西南的诸多藩镇,导致了两次叛乱性质的兵变和皇帝的两次出奔,史称"建中之乱",亦称"四镇之乱"。"建中之乱"历来被描述成为一场一无所获的冒进军事行动,其实不然。本文将叙述这场武装冲突的始末,探讨其如何促使唐中央政府和原先割据的河朔三镇重新进行力量对比,并且附带性地促使皇家嫡系部队神策军的崛起及解决唐王朝的痼疾朔方军问题,重新形成安史之乱之后四方藩镇相互制衡、藩镇林立而中央政府屹立不倒的新格局。 In 781, Emperor Dezhong of the Tang dynasty launched an expeditionary war to crusade against military governorships of Weibo, Chengde, Ziqing and Shannan Dong Dao. The whole process lasted for seven years and a number of military governorships, locating in eastwest, northwest, southwest and central areas of the Tang dynasty involved in it. Resulting in two soldiers' mutinies and emperor' s escape, this war is called Jianzhong Incident. For a long time, Jianzhong Incident is defined as an aggressive military action without any gains, howev- er, this is not the case at all. In this paper, through investigation into the whole process of this armed conflict, the author analyzed how it prompted to form a new balanced pattern between the central government of the dynasty and three military governors in Hesuo, to foster the royal army of Shence, to solve problems about the army of Shuofang incidentally so that the military governors finally coexisted with the central government and formed a new social pat-tern.
作者 郁冲聪
出处 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第5期78-85,共8页 Journal of Liaodong University:Social Science Edition
关键词 唐德宗 建中之乱 河朔三镇 割据 反割据 朔方军 神策军 新格局 Emperor Dezhong of the Tang dynasty Jianzhong Incident three military governorships in Hes-uo separateness anti - separateness the army of Shuofang the royal army of Shence new pattern
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