
美日劳动力素质升级与经济发展对中国的启示 被引量:1

Revelation of labor quality upgrade and economic development in USA and Japan to China
摘要 面对中国劳动力素质的快速提升,需要研究什么样的经济结构或产业结构才能更好地与之相匹配,或者说政府与社会需要进行什么样的调整才能更好地利用劳动力素质快速提升所带来的人口红利。为此,考查当美国和日本达到与中国劳动力素质提升水平相当的特定阶段时,其社会经济发展的特点和政府所采取的主要政策,发现美国和日本都具备人力资本快速积累、重视工业技术、政府通过建立社会保障体系或制定产业政策等手段促进经济发展、工人的权利得到提升且工资上涨等特点。这些特点,有一些是中国已经具备的,有一些则对中国未来的发展具有借鉴和指引意义。 As Chinese labor quality is improving rapidly, it is important to study what kind of economic or industrial structure can match it better, or in other words, what kinds of adjustments the government and society need to make so as to make better use of the demographic dividend brought by the rapid improvement of labor quality. Hence, the characteristics of social and economic development and the main policies implemented by the government in USA and Japan are studied when they were in the particular period that labor quality development was on the same level as China. It is found that USA and Japan both have the characteristics of rapid accumulation of human capital, great attention on industrial technology, governmental promotion to economic development by constructing social security system or formulating industrial policy, and improvement of workers' right as well as wage increase. Among these characteristics, some are already possessed by China, and some will have referencing and guiding significances for Chinese future development.
作者 梁泳梅
出处 《沈阳工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期335-345,共11页 Journal of Shenyang University of Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(12AJY005) 中国社会科学院创新工程项目(SKGJCX2013-01)
关键词 劳动力素质 人口红利 人力资本 技术进步 经济发展 社会保障 产业结构 产业升级 labor quality demographic dividend human capital technological progress economicdevelopment social security industrial structure industrial upgrade
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