
中国崛起下的美越外交分析 被引量:1

US-Vietnam Diplomacy With the Rise of China
摘要 在中国崛起的背景下,美国强化对中国周边国家的影响,实施重返亚太战略。越南作为与中国存在领土争端的国家面对亚太格局的变动和中国的崛起,近年来加强了与昔日的敌人美国的外交关系,美国和越南都有借助对方制衡中国扩大地区影响力的迫切愿望,双方在诸多领域存在共同利益,双边关系迅速升温。 In the context of China rising, the United States employs the strategy of returning to Asia to strengthen their influence upon the neighboring countries of China. Vietnam, consider- ing their territorial disputes with china, plays an important role for the redrawing of the regional pattern and China's rising up, and strengthens their relation with America. Both America and Vietnam have strong desire to balance down China' s regional influence with each other's aid, since they share benefits in many fields.
作者 李魏巍
机构地区 大理学院图书馆
出处 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2013年第10期31-35,共5页 Journal of Harbin University
关键词 中国崛起 美越外交 亚太格局 the rise of China US-Vietnam diplomacy Asia-Pacific pattern
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